Frequently Asked Questions

How do I place an order? To place an order, follow these simple steps:

  1. Add the items you want to purchase to your shopping cart while browsing our store.
  2. When you’re ready to proceed, click on the “Checkout” button in your shopping cart.
  3. Follow the instructions to provide delivery information and select your preferred payment method for the order. Our support team is here to assist you at every step of the ordering process. If you need any guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

How can I search for products? Finding products on our website is easy:

  1. Use the Search Bar at the top of any page.
  2. Enter the product name or keywords related to the item you’re looking for.
  3. Click the search icon.
  4. Browse through the search results and click on a product name or image to view more details.

How do I cancel my order? You can cancel your order at any time before it’s shipped. Here’s how:

  1. If you wish to change or cancel your order, contact us within 12 hours of placing it.
  2. Once the packaging and shipping process has started, we won’t be able to cancel your order.

How can I track my order? After your order has been shipped, you can track its status using the tracking number provided in the email confirmation. If you don’t have your tracking number, please reach out to us at, and we’ll assist you in locating it.

What payment methods do you accept? We offer two convenient and secure payment options:

  1. Credit Cards: You can securely make purchases using major credit cards, including Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express, right here on our website.
  2. PayPal: PayPal is a trusted and secure way to send and receive money online. You can use PayPal to make purchases with credit cards, debit cards, or through e-check (direct bank account transfer).

Do you offer international shipping? How much is shipping, and how long does it take for my order to arrive?

What if my order arrives damaged or is incorrect?

What is your return policy?

How can I contact customer support? You can reach our customer support team at for any questions, concerns, or issues related to your purchase. We are here to assist you promptly.

Are your products eco-friendly? Yes, we take pride in curating high-quality products with a commitment to eco-friendliness. While not explicitly stated in our policies, we prioritize selecting eco-friendly options whenever possible to provide you with a responsible and enjoyable shopping experience.

What measures do you take to protect my personal information? We are dedicated to protecting your privacy and follow Canadian privacy laws and regulations, including PIPEDA. Our Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and protect your personal information. We also take reasonable security measures to safeguard your data.

Can I change my shipping address or update my order after it’s been placed? Once your order has been shipped or the packaging process has started, it cannot be changed or canceled. Therefore, please ensure that your shipping information is accurate before placing your order. If you have any questions or need assistance with your order, please contact our customer support team at for guidance.

Alcohol Disclaimer

Please note that all gifts containing alcohol can only be ordered and picked up by individuals aged 19 or older. Proof of age will be required at the time of pickup. We appreciate your understanding and compliance with these regulations.

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